Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Initiative, referendum, and Referal

In your own words describe the differences between an Initiative, referendum, and a Referral.

Measure 84

How would (will) you vote on Measure 84? Why?

What are the most persuasive arguments in favor of, and opposed to,  the measure presented in the voters pamphlet?

Quick Write

What new law should be passed in Oregon? Why?

What law should not be in Oregon? Why?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Citizens United Paper Time-line

Thesis Statement Worksheet - Due Tue. Oct. 30th/ Wed. Oct. 31st

Write the following in Google Docs.

Full Introduction w/ thesis and 3 Topic Sentences - Due Tues. Nov. 6th

Complete Paper - Due Wed November 14th

Final Draft due December 14th

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Citizens "Categorize Documents"

10 minutes before the end of the class your group should have all the documents split into 3 categories. (Your group might have more than one set of categories) These "Categories of Analysis" will be used as the basis for writing your paper.


Do you favor the decision in "Citizens" V. F.E.C.? Why?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Presidential Polling Data

Describe the current state of the electoral college race (based on polling data) and how it relates to the polling data for the national popular vote.

Make a prediction about the result on November 6th.

Summarize "Citizens United"

In a 5 sentence paragraph summarize what "Citizens United v FEC" is about and the major issues involved.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Citizens United Homework

Complete the questions on the "Background Essay" and the analysis questions for documents A through D on handout "C"

Due  Tues. Oct 23rd / Wed Oct. 24th


After reading the information from the voters pamphlet write down how you would vote and why.
Address at least one of the arguments in favor and opposed. (At least 5 sentence paragraph)

Where would you put this on the political matrix?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Citizen's - Point / Counterpoint

Make a T-Chart in your notebook.
On the left hand side write the arguments (general and specificfrom from "The Story of Citizens United v. FEC. while watching the top video
On the Right hand side write the arguments in response given in the second video, "The Critique"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Political Quiz Homework

Due Th / Fr October 18th/19th

1. Take "The Worlds Shortest Political Quiz"

2. Print out and glue the results into your notebook (or draw the graph and copy the political philosophy the results have assigned you.)

3. What do you think of the results. Do you think this describes your views accurately? (Write this in your notebook.)

4. Brainstorm 6 hot button issues and make a statement in the affirmative. Place these statements where you think they would go on the above graph.

Monday, October 8, 2012

In Class Activity: 6 Principals of the Constitution

Write down the 6 Principles of the Constitution in your notebook leaving room to take notes below each one.

 1. Popular Sovereignty        2. Limited Government    3.Separation of Powers
4. Checks and Balances        5. Judicial Review             6. Federalism

 Look through the copy of the Constitution in your book and with a partner find sections that are about these principles. Write down the article and section number and a sentence that describes how it relates to the principle. You must have at least 3 sections for each principle.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Presidential Debate Homework

Due October 8th for period 1
Due October 9th for period 7

Watch the presidential debate on Wednesday, October 3rd (Or catch it on demand on Youtube)
Read Chapter 3 Section 1 of your text paying special attention to the 6 basic principles of the Constitution While you are watching take notes on when either of the candidates addresses issues related to these concepts. Afterward write a reflection highlighting what you think are the most important statements made by the candidates concerning the 6 basic principles of the constitution.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Test Prep

In your notebook write down the 8 terms you think are most likely to appear on the test.